Monday, May 23, 2011

Maui Brewing Co -- Flyin' HI. P. Hay

Maui Brewing Company's, Flyin' HI. P. Hay, is an IPA that was brewed in the memory of Glen Hay Falconer, a beer brewer who was close to the guys at Maui. Proceeds will be donated to the Glen Hay Falconer Foundation to provide scholarships to Homebrewers and Brewers who wish to further their knowledge and experience.
6.8% ABV and 68 IBU's

I am happy to report on this new beer from Maui Brewing. It seems that in Hawai'i, brewers put out less seasonal or special brews than on the mainland, so I've been eagerly awaiting this beer since I first heard it mentioned. 

Appearance- Take a look at the above picture. That is what I would label as a classic IPA color. (They are probably using some Crystal 40L in there.) The head pours to one half inch and the beer is crystal clear.

Aroma: Interestingly, this beer seems to have a very similar nose to the Maui Bikini Blonde. I think that they put Munich Malts in both, which might be what I am picking up on. There is a surprising lack of hop aroma here. Unlike Big Swell, that was dry hopped extensively, this beer may not have had any dry hop at all.

Taste: There are the hops! Thank goodness! West coast hops abound and grapefruit and grass dominate. Without a doubt, the malts take a back seat in this one. This is a very nice IPA. The mouthfeel influences the way the flavor is perceived... see below.

Mouthfeel: Full and creamy. Almost like a dry stout in a lot of ways. I am surprised at how this balances the American hops. Most beers are balanced between hops and malts. This beer is balanced between hops and the creaminess of the carbonation. As there is no widget, I suspect that this beer may have been brewed with an English or Irish yeast, which could explain this phenomena. The only other explanation is that Maui went BIG on the Dextrin malts.

(Side Note: This IPA is brewed with a hop mix  called Falconers Flight, which includes both common IPA hops and some experimental hops. )
I am a sucker for new beers. I always feel that I HAVE to try them. Sometimes this leads to buyers remorse. Not this time. This beer is a wonderful and playful example of an American IPA. I've read reviews that said this is English style, but that's  bunk. Despite its lack of dry hopped aroma, this is as American as Chinook Hops... Or maybe this is the newest style of IPA -- The Hawaiian style IPA.

Grade: A

 Barrel Man says,
"Here's to you, Hay."
(This Beer Purchased at Liquor Collection)

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