Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Kapittel Watou -- Abt Ale

 Kapittel Watou's Abt Ale is 
10% ABV

This Belgian Tripel pours a hazy orange color that clears up as it warms. This phenomena is called "chill haze" and is mostly a result of a slow cooling process after the boiling of the wort (unfermented beer). There is a nice 3/8" cream colored head that dissipates somewhat, but remains in a small amount throughout the glass, leaving behind light lacing. The aroma is spicy and sweet with notes of cloves, bread dough, and sweet malts.
The flavor of Kapittel Watou Abt Ale is both sweet and tangy-- with the tanginess overcoming the sweet. There doesn't seem to be much malt complexity. Also lacking in complexity is the mouthfeel, although it is acceptable for the style. There is some amount of dough in the finish, and the carbonation seems to finish by biting the middle of the tongue where it lingers and adds to a slight, but present, spicy hop character.

(Side Note: Brewery Van Eecke and Kapittel Watou are a part of the Global Beer Network. Their website is interesting and informative, although I don't know why they are called "Global" when they are solely focused on Belgian beers.)

I was going to give this beer a B- because of the lack of complexity and the heat that I sensed from the alcohol. After noticing that this beer is a full 10% ABV, I decided that the skill of the brewers deserved a solid B. I must warn you though, this is not for people who desire a sweet Belgian Tripel

Grade: B
Barrel Man says:
"wish the monks
were still brewing..."
(bottle purchased at Liquor Collection)

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