Sunday, April 17, 2011

MacTarnahan's -- Spring Sling Shot Extra Pale Ale

MacTarnahan's Sling Shot Extra Pale Ale, is " a seasonal... ale for the spring with rich golden color."
 It is 6.2% ABV and 27 IBU's

This beer pours a nice clear golden color and carries a fluffy white head. The carbonation is light but it carries a wonderfully pungent nugget hop aroma. Slight sulfer notes hide behind some grapefruit from cascade hops. The taste is both malty and tangy. The hop character is slightly resiny and earthy. All in all, even with a 6.2% alcohol content, it remains light and refreshingly crisp.

Overall Impression:
If there is a downside to this beer, it is the lack of complexity. This is not a beer for after dinner sipping while conversing with a friend. This is a beer to drink after mowing your lawn on a hot weekend afternoon. I certainly don't dislike this beer, but there just isn't much to love, other than it's ease of drinking.

Grade: C+  

Barrel Man says,
"Good for fishing."
(This bottle was purchased at Tamura's)

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