Thursday, April 21, 2011

Kapittel Watou Pater Ale

 Brouwerij Van Eecke N.V.'s Het Kapittel Watou Pater Ale is, "a “single,” meaning a beer that was made for the guests of the abbey and for everyday consumption. 
6.0% ABV and should be served at 48 degrees F.

Pours dark amber. Little head... even attempting to aerate. What little head there is is khaki colored. Carbonation steady and consistent despite small head. Light shines through the color of sexy red plum fruit. Beautiful small bubbles-- probably bottle conditioned.  Clear (carefully decanted) bottom 1/4 inch left in bottle. Head almost seems to grow as beer warms. slight lacing on sipping side.
In order of occurrence: Cherries, sweet and sour sauce, soy sauce, slight bread crust, Toast with cherry preserves? Now plums. Later: Belgian dark candy sugar. Lastly: port!
Full dark-crystal malt assault. Dark stone fruit all around... but without being too sweet. Slight roast/toast character balances fruit. Tastes a lot like what it smells like-- toast with plum/cherry preserves... with the emphasis on the preserves. More fruity as it warms....very slight tartness
Full bodied, but not creamy/foamy.
Sweet: sweet/tart: dry-- progression at the ratio of 6:2:10 seconds respectively.

Overall Impression:
James Brown was singing in the spirit of this this beer when he said:
"Sometimes I feels so nice, good god...I jump back, I wanna kiss myself. I got soul, and I'm super bad."  This beer is super bad and one of the better Belgian beers I've had in a long time.

Grade: A
Barrel Man Say,
"Solid, brah."
(bottle purchased at Liquor Collection)

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