Monday, April 11, 2011

Kona Brewing Co. -- Koko Brown

Kona Brewing Co.'s Koko Brown ale is the newest in the "Aloha Series" of seasonal offerings.
 It is 5.5% ABV and has a mild 28 IBU's.

This offering from Kona Brewing pours a dark walnut color and carries very little head. The aroma is dominated by coconut, but somewhere deep in the back of your nasal cavities, you can pull out a dark roast (almost burnt) barley note. The taste, like the aroma, is completely dominated by the coconut flavor. There are toasted coconut notes, sweetened coconut flake notes, and canned coconut milk notes. The malt notes are lost behind this sledgehammer of nuttiness and the only discernible traces of hops arrive late in the taste. The hop bitterness is somewhat earthy but is insufficient in strength to overcome the sweet coconut.

(Side Note: According to the website, this beer is brewed with Cascade, Willamette, Warrior, and Millennium hops. From the taste of this beer, I'd say that Kona must have used one hop cone per barrel... give or take a few.  )

Overall Impression:
-There are two dimensions to this beer-- its color (brown) and COCONUT. 
-If you don't want beer to get in the way of your coconut, try this beer.

Grade: C

Barrel Man says,
"Tastes like
    Malibu Rum."
(This bottle was purchased at Liquor Collection)

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