Saturday, January 29, 2011

Maui Brewing Co. - Bikini Blonde Lager

Maui Brewing Co.'s Bikini Blonde Lager might actually be "what the Sailors really come to shore for..."
 4.5% ABV  and a very light 18 IBU's

This beautiful golden potion is powerfully aromatic, with the delightful smells of Pilsner and Pale Malt leading the charge through the straits of your nostrils, and into your beer-centered mind. The taste starts sweet, then has a touch of earth, then the hops come out and play. Finally you are left with a delightful sweet/hoppy/husky flavor that reminds you of every ingredient that went into this beer. I have to say that if you have never chewed fresh pale malts, just take a sip of this and you will know what "fresh" really tastes like. The healthy hop level seems a bit higher than the 18 IBUs claimed, but it does not overwhelm-- it just makes this beer lively. It has a clean taste that incorporates the lingering spicy hop on the edge of your tongue and a chalky fullness that sits in the middle. This may be the most complex lager of normal strength made domestically.

(Side Note: This beer is classified as a Munich Helles Lager. This style was invented as the German brewers' slightly more malty answer to the Czech Pilsner. Also, "Helles" means bright.)

Overall Impression: This beer is quickly becoming my favorite lager. You can pick it up at Tamuras for the best price I've seen anywhere.
If you are in the islands and you want a nice beer to take to the beach, this is your beer. Just remember to bring plastic cups to keep the 5-0 away. --And don't give me crap about plastic cups --this beer comes in a can. To me it is always acceptable to drink canned beer from a plastic cup.

Grade: A-

(Can purchased at Tamura's)

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