Sunday, January 30, 2011

MacTarnahan's Hum Bug'r Ale

MacTarnahan's HumBug'r Ale is a beer with a "dark malt body and rich roasted flavor [that] will unravel your ribbons and leave you wanting more."
 A light 5.3% ABV and 27 IBU's

This is MacTarnahan's winter offering and, well, as their website says, this beer dark and malty with a rich roasted flavor. Right from the beginning you get hit with the roasty aroma that dominates all other notes. However, due to the slightly low carbonation level this aroma is not in any way overpowering. The slight malty sweet smell somehow sneaks by and makes itself apparent. The mouthfeel is creamy and roasty. If the beer is swished in the mouth, it leaves a long lasting creamy/chalky coating. There is a slightly tart note, not unlike the Anchor's Porter. Also, there seems to be some sort of cardamom flavor... no other spicy notes are present.

(Side note: Mac's website says that there are oats in the beer. That must be what gave the beer the nice creamy mouthfeel.)

Overall Impression: Well, this beer is good, but not exciting. Roasty, creamy, and a little bit like soda. I don't know. Just not really awesome. Not enough going on for a winter beer, in my opinion.

Grade: C

(This beer purchased at Tamura's.)

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