Monday, January 3, 2011

Kona Brewing Co. - Big Wave Golden Ale

Kona Brewing Co.'s Big Wave Golden Ale is "a light golden ale with a subtle fruitiness and delicate hop aroma," with "lightly roasted honey malt [that] contributes to the golden hue of this beer and also gives a slight sweetness." 
It weighs in at... what, no info on the label or website?! Sounds like a Anheuser Busch product to me...

This will be a quick one. No aroma, little head... Taste is lightly sweet at first but finishes with an lightly earthy hop taste. HOWEVER, this beer is dominated by diacetyl. The hops attempt to cover up this brewing flaw, but they fail, and fail badly. This beer has little taste except for one that is a flaw, and has no redeeming qualities.

(Side Note: I know that a Golden Ale isn't supposed to have much flavor. According to most sources, it is the same category as a Blonde Ale. Still, if you want to make a light beer, you've gotta nail down your processes and not have any flaws. This beer is flawed.)

Overall Impression:There is another Hawaiian beer review site online called "Two Beer Queers." They have a 3 point scale: Mean, Shi-go, and Fuckin' Shitty.
This is Fuckin' shitty.

Grade: D-

This beer was purchased at: I don't remember. Who cares!
I wish I could forget the taste of this beer.

I only rated this beer because it is a Hawaii brand.

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