Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Piraat Ale

Brouwerij Van Steenberge N.V.'s Piraat Ale is a "robustly bitter strong Belgian ale." 
 10.5% ABV

 Take a quick look at the picture above. That orange-copper color sure looks a lot like an American IPA in color and head. Belgian beers can get pigeonholed into either a dark Dubble or a light Blond. This beer is something else completely.
The head is on the light side, but has some endurance. The aroma is fairly winey and smells like a Chardonnay with a touch of nutty maltiness. Flavor-wise, it is similar to the aroma and tastes like a sweet white wine or apple cider that has a nutty, chewy aftertaste. That nutty aftertaste dominates the mouthfeel after the first couple of sips. It is hard to explain, but it coats the mouth in a way that is similar to peanut butter. As a matter of fact, deep down in the complex subtle flavors, I get a hint of almond butter.

Overall Impression: I think that if you threw the book at this beer, and forced it to pick a category to compete within, it probably would fail to meet the given guidelines. Partly because I can't find consensus on what category this beer falls into, I'm just going to grade it by gut feeling.
It's good and it is unique... in a very good way. I've never had a beer that tasted quite like this, and I've tried a lot of beers. I like it and I give it points for uniqueness and smoothness relative to it's strength.

Grade: A-
 (This beer purchased at Times Market, Kaimuki)

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