Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Asahi Select

Asahi Brewing Co.'s "Asahi Select" is a lagered beer sometimes classified as a "European Pale Lager" and sometimes labeled a "Premium Lager"
 4.7% ABV and available at *select* locations

Information about this beer is sketchy and reliable information is difficult to find. Ratebeer has this blurb: "COMMERCIAL DESCRIPTION: An original premium lager skillfully crafted using our finest malt and pure yeast selected by our brewmaster." That doesn't offer much to the beer connoisseur. Asahi's webpage is equally as unhelpful. At least nobody can accuse me of biasing my tasting with too much previous knowledge!
After prying the crown, and pouring the beer into a pint glass, I found the aroma to have a sweet and malty nose with notes similar to the malt Special B. The appearance is slightly darker than I would have imagined (leaning toward copper), and when combined with the aroma, makes me feel that this is a beer brewed without rice. The head is pale white and dissipates quickly. The flavor of the beer immediately reminds me of Munich beers, especially those brewed for Oktoberfest. Oktoberfest beers are slightly rich and roasty in character. This beer has those qualities and none of the adjunct notes commonly associated with Japanese mainstream beers.

(Side Note: Although this beer is under the umbrella of Asahi, a Japanese company, it is brewed in Molson, Canada. )

(Note to Asahi: Your website would be better if your "products" page had more than just one product--Asahi Super Dry.)

Overall Impression:
Despite the lumps and insults that this beer takes on both Ratebeer and Beeradvocate, I have to say that I found it to be quite enjoyable. I would take this beer over a Spaten Oktoberfest any day! The sweet tangyness that slips into a dry finish is backed by a bready accents that make for an enjoyable experience.

Grade: B+

(bottle purchased at Whole Foods.)

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