Wednesday, December 29, 2010

The Counter--Good burgers, bad beers.

(Because the stated purpose of this blog is to help the people of O'ahu find good beer, I have decided that I would be remiss if I didn't warn them about places with bad beer selections. My apologies to The Counter. I am not picking on you, your store just happens to be the first place I took a picture.)

This review is of The Counter, Kahala Mall location.

Warning: The counter has a lame beer selection!

Note to The Counter: If you are going to serve upscale, "custom-built burgers," why can't you carry some upscale, "craft-brewed beers?"  I mean, you can't even stock a single local beer?

Full disclosure: This place does stock a dozen or so beer bottles. About 10 of them are lagers or light lagers, and one of them is Newcastle. The only good beer is Chimay Premiere (red label)  (How did that sneak in there?!)

(Side note: the burgers are tasty.)

Highlights: Chimay

Lowlights: Bud & Bud light, Coors & Coors Light, Amstel light and-- damn you, The Counter--Heineken & Heineken light.

Missing: Good beer.

Selection: 2/10
Location: 7/10
Price (beer): 6.5/10
Friendliness: 9/10
Beer Knowledge: obviously 1/10
Over all grade: D

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