Monday, March 28, 2011

Cervejaria Sudbrack Ltda. -- Eisenbahn Vigorosa

Cervejaria Sudbrack Ltda.'s "Eisenbahn Vigorosa" is an "Unfiltered Wheat Doublebock," (A.K.A. Weizenbock) with "notes of toasted whole-grain bread, bananas, and chocolate."
The ABV on this is a proud 8% and the beer hails from Brazil!

*Special tasting alert! I tried this with my brother, Bryan, and so the notes are compiled from both our comments.*

Getting a beer from Brazil is a real treat. The last one I had was Xingu and that was years ago. This beer was nothing like that one...
The the beer pours with little head, and although this beer is dark, it is obvious that it is unfiltered. There is quite a bit of cloudiness apparent at the edge of the glass. The color is either a red/brown rye beer color, or mahogany, depending on who you ask. The aroma has notes of apricot, plums, peaches, cherries, and orange. As for the taste, well, we picked up notes of orange candy, roasted barley and chocolate, cherries, fruit punch and dark candy sugar.

(Side Note: Eisenbahn seems to mean something about trains / train stations. Eisenbahn Vigorosa is only available in the great USA, so drink up if you like Weizenbocks.)

Overall Impression:
The beer is fine. If you like malty goodness, or sweet beers that are 8%,  this is for you. Between my brother and myself, there was no split. We both gave it a B.

Grade: B
(bottle purchased Whole Foods.)

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