Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Suntory Brewing -- "The Premium Malt's"

Suntory's "The Premium Malt's" draft beer is a lager was (according to the website) "...created to fulfill this desire of Ryozo Yamamoto, the man behind its development."
If that doesn't say it all, I don't know what does.
 5.5% ABV

I think that the best thing about this beer was that it made me visit Suntory's website. Please, if you are reading this, you've gotta check out the site if only for the picture of the stern-faced brewers with the caption, "Today, this perfect beer, created in pursuit of taste and flavor, continues to challenge new heights." Being that it is perfect and all, what new heights can it possibly challenge? Only the website creator knows...
But, on to the beer!

This beer pours clear and golden, like Martinelli's apple juice. The head starts tall, but quickly subsides to a small but constant height. This reflects the relatively high carbonation level.  The aroma has obvious sulfur compounds and a slight malt nose. No hop aroma. The taste is malty and sweet with a decent grassy hop character. I don't know if I would say that it is balanced, exactly. It is surprisingly sweet until about 2.5 seconds after you swallow, at which time the hops kick in. Unfortunately, the nice grassy hop character is accompanied with a grittiness on the edges of the tongue that is a bit unpleasant.

(Side note: Suntory is a huge conglomerate of companies and is much better known for their distillates.)

Overall Impression:
This beer reminds me of a cheaper malt liquor. I suppose it compares favorably to some of the Baltika lagers on the market, but honestly, for a beer that claims to be "perfect," it leaves me desiring more balance and better flavor.
Maybe I should try their "Relax" beer

BONUS YOUTUBE CLIP HERE!  Are they laughing because he drinks loudly? Who knows!

Grade: C

(This beer purchased at Marukai.)

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